Thomas Ingles History Alive Performance

Saturday, June 1, 2024 - 1:00pm

Photo of Thomas Ingles portrayer

Thomas Ingles straddled two cultures before and after the birth of the United States. Born to a pioneer Virginia couple, William and Mary Ingles, Thomas was captured along with his mother in a frontier raid at the age of four and was given to a Shawnee family in present-day Ohio to be raised in place of their deceased child. Returning to his birth parents as a Shawnee man at the age of 17, Thomas received a Virginia gentleman's education and served in the Point Pleasant campaign of Dunmore's War in 1774--a conflict that pitted his Virginia and Shawnee communities against each other on the battlefield.

Come see a first-person performance of this remarkable historic figure, and join the conversation with character and actor to learn more about his life. The performance will be outside the Sayre Log Cabin at Washington's River Front Park. This event is a program of the West Virginia Humanities Council. Admission is free.